Car Recovery & Car Towing Service on Motorway

motorway helpline number

Car Recovery & Car Towing Service on Motorway M1, M2, M3, M4 & M5:

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to perform car towing or any car recovery services on the motorway as per the by-laws of National Highway Authority & FWO.

To ensure your safety and vehicle recovery service or general car breakdown and maintenance issues such as flat tyre service, engine heatup & others call M2-Helpline 130 for Recovery Service.

Motorway Car Recovery & Towing Service Number is 130

Car Breakdown Service on Motorway M1, M2, M3, M4 & M5:

We are not able to offer you car breakdown and emergency roadside services on motorway as of now, for secure and safe rescue please call Motorway Helpline 130.

We can provide you services once you take an exit from Motorway,

We are open 24/7. Call us today

(03) 111-681-111

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